Even if you don't have any time for stamina training, I know for a fact that this one exercise can be done no matter how limited your time is.
Running in place is guaranteed to get you in shape quickly, and make you shed off those extra pounds. If you do it for 30 minutes each day, you'll begin to notice the difference in your stamina in a very short period of time. You can do it while watching TV. Just pick out one of your favorite TV shows that is about to come on soon, and run in place while watching it.
To get the most out of running in place, you must do it for at least 30 minutes each day (the length of your show), and run with high-knees when you do it. Lift your knees up to about abdomen level with each step and swing your arms. You can do it at any speed that you wish, just make sure it's not too slow.
Running in place is used by many people as an alternative to running. When the whether is bad and fitness trainers can't go outside to do their daily training, they don't use the bad whether as an excuse to not train (well the success fitness trainers don't), they turn to running in place. It works equally as well and is actually a lot easier to do. Plus with the high knees, you'll also be getting a good calve workout as well.
So give it a try and see the results for yourself!